Tips for Do-It-Yourself Christmas Photos
Professional Christmas photos are beautiful and I obviously love them. However, you can take some really beautiful photos all on your own! With a fun setting and a laid-back attitude, you can take photos that will be sweet memories for years to come.
Find the Perfect Tree
Gather up the family and head to a Christmas tree farm! Whether you're out in the morning or during golden hour, the deep green of the trees will provide a beautiful, natural backdrop to pictures. Meanwhile, the activity of finding the perfect tree, cutting it down, and loading it up brings so many opportunities for candid family moments. Click here for a list of tree farms located just outside of Huntsville!
Decorate as a Family
Sometimes decorating for Christmas with littles underfoot can feel overwhelming, especially if you're a perfectionist. However, if you are okay with bringing the chaos of kiddos into your decorating, it will give you lots of photo-ops. Imagine the possibilities: Little sister reaching up on tip-toe to hang a sentimental ornament. Brother carefully placing stockings over the fireplace. Dad untangling lights like the champion he is. Mom carefully unwrapping each precious ornament to give to the kids. Even chaos can make for a cute pic!
Put that Fireplace to Use
Okay, before you do anything, if you haven't used the fireplace in a while maybe call a chimneysweep. That disclaimer aside, dress everybody in their cutest Christmas jammies, get a warm fire going, and make some hot chocolate with marshmallows. You can even bring in a kid-friendly nativity scene or Christmas train to play with as you enjoy an quiet (ideally) night by the fire. These cozy candid photos will make for such sweet memories!
Tiffany Crenshaw is a lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Huntsville Alabama. She specializes in capturing motherhood from maternity through family portraits.